Novi PROCUT GENESIS 8010 BFS je podrška za profesionalno sečenje i nudi sve karakteristike koje očekujete od Bullmer mašine. Mala potrošnja el.energije obezbeđuju sveobuhvatnu štednju resursa. Zajedničke susedne linije sečenja čine još efikasnije korišćenje materijala i smanjuju otpad. Jednostavni delovi za sečenje mogu se programirati u samo nekoliko koraka direktno na mašini. Pored čistog sečenja, moguće je i obeležavanje bušenjem.

- Automatsko doziranje ulja u zavisnosti od brzine oscilatornog noža
- Uputstvo za operatera sa proverom verodostojnosti i porukama o greškama
- Jedinica za oštrenje sa samopodesivim brusnim točkićima
- Pogoni motora sa permanentnim magnetom - bez četkica za sve ose
- Integrisana vakuumska turbina visokih performansi, 13,5 – 17,5 kV
The new PROCUT GENESIS 8010 BFS is characteristed by high performance and economy in its class and that’s a reason why this cutter is ideal for the automotive industry or furniture upholstery.
Our Procut is equipped with a vacuum pump, which provides a strong and stable hold on the material during cutting and is therefore ideal for the clothing industry.
Mainly permeable materials, for others, we suggest to confirm cutting.
The PROCUT GENESIS 8010 BFS offers a high degree of machining flexibility in its class and is economical, even at low capacity utilization. The operating logic and menu navigation are geared to the needs of the operator. It offers an easy entry into professional cutting with an excellent price/performance ratio. Increase your productivity through cost-effective complete processing with low space requirements. Thanks to the jointly adjacent cutting lines, material is used even more efficiently and waste is reduced.
Conntection parameters
Total maximum Energy demand 23.5 kW
Protection 3x 63A
Cross section of electric cable 5x16mm
Compressed air 200l/m, with drill option